…morning light is magic…

Peregrine Falcon Take-Off

Another Trip to Bolivar found the tide going out, calm water, no wind and 39 deg before sunrise.  I ended up over dressing and got a little toasty except for when my boot started leaking while wading through the water.  It was a beautiful morning at the gulf but very few birds were within shooting distance except for a large flock of white pelicans.  All of the Avocets were along the jetty.  Spent most of my time during the pre-dawn and golden hour time frame shooting flight shots.

While walking along the beach on my way back to the car, two Peregrine Falcons flew by and landed near me.   Made my way over near them and laid down to shoot.  The smaller one didn’t stick around very long and flew off.  The other one was much more cooperative.  My initial shots weren’t any good as I was too low compared to his position and the bottom of his tail was cut off in my shots with the sand on the beach.  Raised up on my elbows to try that perspective and it still wasn’t high enough.  Decided to move my position to get a better shot.  Ended up walking back along the beach a few yards and then up to his level in front of him.  Luckily he didn’t spook and he let me lay down again.  After preening, they typically stretch out their wings out for a few seconds before taking off.  This time he took off without warning in my direction.  Luckily I was focused on him and ready to shoot.  Got off several shots before the buffer filled up and he was going past me. Good times again at Bolivar.

Taken with Canon 7D and 100-400 lens on Skimmer ground pod.

1/1000 sec @ F6.3, Iso 400, spot metering with +1 exposure compensation, no flash

1/1000 sec @ F6.3, Iso 400, spot metering with +1 exposure compensation, no flash

1/1600 sec @ F6.3, Iso 400, spot metering with +1 exposure compensation, no flash

1/1250 sec @ F6.3, Iso 400, spot metering with +1 exposure compensation, no flash

1/1250 sec @ F6.3, Iso 400, spot metering with +1 exposure compensation, no flash

3 responses

  1. Your off to a flying start. Very good low angle shots. Glad they put on a show for you and hope they stick around.

    January 16, 2012 at 6:25 pm

  2. Thanks David. It was nice to see one fly in my direction for a change.

    January 19, 2012 at 6:58 pm

  3. Mano

    yes , flying in your direction has made the difference and what a great shot Tim.. your images are quite refreshing for sure..

    June 7, 2012 at 5:30 am

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